Thursday, December 6, 2012

Never Give Up on Life.

Assalamualaikum, May Allah bless you, dear readers.

It's been quite sometime, I've made a hiatus in blogging. Pardon me, but really I don't have much time lately, maybe because I was the one not managing it really well. :)

Time flies, it sure does. It is already winter here also it is only a week left before my second exam in this semester. And I can't say I've read the books fine, cause despite all the promises and resolutions I made and intended, only a few managed to be kept. So sad.

Anyway, let's not give up okay. Because there's still time, still there is time to improvise everything. Also, let's not give up just yet because there is this someone who has never given up on you throughout your life. Who is this noble guy, let's find it out!

Not long ago, I supposed I've came to think of something very sweet, very obvious yet not many of us realized and grateful enough for it. It goes like this:


"Have you realized that, when you are reading this post, while I was typing this post, every muscles and neurons in our body, are synergizing and working together for the sake of us? For the sake of us to be able to read, to think. Have you ever thought how your body, every single tiny miny cells composed in your body, has never given up on you? They've been working for us all this while (for twenty consecutive years in my case, never once it switch itself off, or else I might have died long time ago).

Yet, have we ever think what kind of work, beneficial work we've done for ourrselves? For other people? For the religion? Anything in the cause of Allah? Alhamdulillah, if the answer is yes. But, if it's the other one, let's together make a change in ourselves. :)

'They' have done their part. Obediently. Very loyal. Then, what about us? Done anything good yet? Secondly, never give up on life, okay. Cause truth is life has never given up on us.


Guess, I'll leave you with this, something for us to ponder upon okay? :)

Till we meet again later.

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