Sunday, February 17, 2013

Of what actually happen before winter break

Salam 'alaik dear readers. :D

Guess where am I now? Hewhew ok tak comel langsung ketawa macam tu. Anyway, alhamdulillah, I am in Johor Bahru now, at the home sweeeeet home.

I is very the happy one you know. This year punye winter break, diberi kesempatan utk berjalan lebih sikit atas bumi ni, mentadabbur alam, for that Alhamdulillah thumma Alhamdulillah. I get to meet many new friends, seniors, juniors and family.

I was in Paris for 6 whole days and then I headed back home. Actually Paris wasn't in my plan pun awalnya. I dah beli tiket to Malaysia on 15th Feb then tiba-tiba university awalkan cuti. Nak awalkan tiket I have to pay like 2000 LE which was quite a sum weih. I macam kenapa sungguh berat ujian yg diberikan Ya Allah (over moi) hehehe. I decided to keluar from Egypt to anywhere I tak kisah asalkan not Egypt. Ended up, ticket to Paris paling murah and ada senior abang (female) kat sane. Aku seolah-olah nampak cahaya di hujung terowong gitu then ke sana lah daku membawa diri.

Dan sesungguhnya aku ni memang lah pelik dan perlukan kelas firm decision making. I dont even understand what was I thinking back then when I decided to go to Paris. Bila dah beli tiket to Paris tiba-tiba rasa menyesal sbb better if aku awalkan je tiket, dapat spend time with bros yg cuti CNY and pergi walimah sedara aku kat Kelantan (Kelantan okay, once in a blue moon je pergi). All this happened masa peri examination. Dahla balik dari Paris sampai Cairo pukul 2.50 pagi on 15th Feb. Balik Malaysia pun 15th Feb gak. Ah sudah takut pulak aku kalau tetibe flight delay kang, ade yg terlepas flight balik Malaysia pulak. Messy sungguh hidup aku waktu tu worrying over something that is yet to happen.

I was in a great stress tau waktu exam tu fikir ni fikir tu, sumpah la rase macam Datuk Seri pikir bussiness kat negara jiran apa aku merepek #%%^&**( hehehe. Jadi bila kita stress kita buat apa? Kakak naqibah kita kata pohonlah pertolongan drpd Yg Maha Pengatur itu.



Semuanya turned out great. Malah sangat better dari expectations aku, hilang semua kerisauan dan penyesalan (ewah) seriously terharu sangat. Cantik je Allah aturkan semuanya untuk aku. Maka nikmat Tuhan yg mana lagi hendak aku dustakan? Guys, hands down, honestly, aku sungguh touching mu tahu dok?

Kak JR sangat baik. Seniors kat sana bawak kitorang jalan-jalan. Baik. Memang sangat baik. Banyak aku belajar drpd mereka. Bukanlah nak kata diorang buat kelas mengajar aku duhhh cuma, we could learn something from someone else's action kan. Gitu la.

Bila diorang baik sangat macam tu kan, aku pun rasa, aku nak jadik baik macam tu jugak kat orang lain. Sebab they made me happy by that. So I hope I could be the one making others happy too. Macam cycle of good deeds oh bukankah dunia akn menjadi sebuah tempat yg sgt best bila dipenuhi insan berfikiran sedemikian rupa?

Hei panjangnya aku tulis.

Ok lah, gambar will be updated soon in another entries. Those were such a memory seriously. Sangat best sampai tak tergambar best mcm mana lah Allah prepares utk hamba Dia kat syurga nanti. Huuuu just thinking about it gives me some goosebumps. Excited but no less fearful. Anyway, just strive hard in this life and be the best give the best we could in this life for endless bliss awaiting in hereafter. InsyaAllah.

p/s: Give, we shall be happy.
p/s: Worrying is like rocking a chair. It gives you something to do but never brings you anywhere. Thanks kak JR.
p/s: Want less, you'll feel rich. Nevertheless, dream high, you'll be stronger.

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