Monday, February 4, 2013

Everything is so tough lately


Huish lamenyaaaa takda singgah ke sini. I guess hidup terlalu 'best' sampai takde sempat ke sini. Huhu. Alhamdulillah, tinggal lagi satu paper then we are free to winter break!

Semalam was paper Genital System. Hoi susah ya amat. Kesedihannya lah aku rasa. Tapi serious la doa je lah yg terbaik. And to be honest, pening kepala lepas exam tak baik baik lagi until now. I have this one thing which is after each exam mesti pening kepala. Ceh macamkan banyak sgt study tapi yg sbenanye sbb tak cukup tidoq. XD

Anyhow, minggu lepas adelah minggu yg agak tough jugakla. Dgn study leave nye, then dgn berita pemergian seorang bapa kawan aku. Bila kita kenal orang tu, mesti lah feel dia lain sikit kan. T_T Tapi my salute goes to her sbb she's so tough. Still boleh senyum and layan kan aje lawak aku yg tak berapa nak kelakar tapi sbb nak sedapkan hati kira ok kot? Kot.


Kita ni kena sentiasa redha kan. Event event dlm hidup kita semua dah tertulis sejak azali. ''Kalam telah diangkat dan dakwat telah kering.'' Kita doa je lah supaya diberi kekuatan utk menghadapi semua semua tu and betullah pergantungan kat Allah je lah satu-satunya cara mencapai kekuatan tu.

Like even when life is so dark and confusing, even when it feels like no one would understand the pain you are going through, to know that there IS actually a power beyond imagination who is always watching how you cope with His test, who actually hear and understand and know your emotions.....

Allah.... Nikmat mana lagi yg kita nak dustakan, kawan-kawan?

''When you're going through something hard and you start wondering where Allah is, just remember, the Teacher is always quiet during a test.''
 Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan. 

Till then. Will write again soon after I finish my exams. Do take care and stay in the pink of health! :)

p.s : dear myself, take that cute bear, and bear with everything!

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