Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cairo Sum Up; 6-8 July 2012


Tehee. Ya know what? Saye dah habis exam! Okeh okeh dah seminggu habis exam sebenarnye, tapi baru harini nak bagitahu kat blog. Tak rock betul. Kehkehkeh.

Actually, aku sedikit busy lah lepas cuti ni. Bukan busy ape, busy busy gedik tu. Like for example, busy ke Cairo pergi Hussein beli souvenirs bawak balik Malaysia. Shopping je kerja. Shop till you drop. Aku tak drop, cume duit aku je yang drop berganda. Heheh takpe takpe, aku nak tolong dr Morsi menjeneret ekonomi negara die.

Cairo (6-8 July) 

Me the gorgeous (haha), Farisha and Raihan went to Productive Muslim Seminar. Dia cerita pasal how to make your Ramadhan a productive one. Ya, begitu. Macam macam dia ajar on how to manage your sleep during Ramadhan, how to be energetic, what should be done during the month of Ramadhan, so on and so forth.

Sedikit 'buah tangan' dari seminar tu: 
  • Sebelum masuk bulan Ramadhan, kena pasang niat siap-siap: what you wanna get and do for Ramadhan this year. Dia kata, kalau niat kita baik, kita automatik akan buat that thing dengan baik. 
  • Productive is focus X(times) energy, and generate good outcome from it. Kiranya you have to have both things to be productive! 
  • We have to be productive in 3 different ways: physical, spiritual and social. 
  • Physical productivity: this akan menjadikan kita lebih kuat masa bulan puasa, bukan lembik tak bermaya. Kena jadik kuat macam Rasulullah ngan sahabat pergi berperang masa bulan puasa! 
  • Spiritual productivity: Kena dekatkan diri dengan Allah sedekat-dekatnya. Ramadhan ni pesta ibadah kita. Semua amalan dilipat-gandakan pahalanya. Oran putih parti dapat apa? Eksiden and whatnot. Kita pesta ibadah dapat hadiah! 
  • Social productivity: If you are a son/daughter, be a good one for your parents and family. Be a good friend to your other friends. Socialize with your neighbours and relatives. And when I said socialize, I mean socialize with boundaries hokay! 
  • 7 daily spiritual habits to develop during Ramadhan: 
  1. Solat sunat rawatib (sebelum Subuh, sebelum dan selepas Zuhur, sebelum Asar, selepas mahgrib, sebelum dan selepas Isyak)
  2. Zikir selepas solat
  3. Ma'thurat pagi dan petang
  4. Solat malam aka qiyamullail
  5. Solat Dhuha
  6. Maintan dalam wudhu' sentiasa
  7. Baca Quran minimum 30 minit setiap hari
Ha, ni boleh masuk mutaba'ah amal masing-masing. 


7-8 July
  • Shopped in Asfour and Hussein. Asfour is a place that sells crystals and stuff made from crystals like bracelets, necklace, rings, brooch and whatnot. While Hussein is a bazaar selling many things from abaya (jubah) to whatever souvenirs you can imagine of. Everything is there. 
  • Shopped in City Stars. I went to the bookstores and went crazy inside it from the smell of the crisp papers of the novels. Grabbed 2 Jodi Picoult's and thought about making a  booksale in Malaysia. Will figure that out. And yeah, I need to make a reading list in Malaysia. Got so much books stacked up on my desk right now while the medic books got back to their home as early as 3rd of July. HAHA. And I think I have some unread books in Malaysia too. Whoah fainting*. 
  • Make new friends and met the old friends from school. We ate nasi ayam goreng rangup and talked about each and everyone's progress. Most revolved around 'when are you coming home arr?' and 'how was your exam?' stuff. 
  • Got one hot breaking news. InsyaAllah on 15th September, a couple from our batch will be the very first among us to get married! Alhamdulillah and Congratulations to both of them; Sheila and Kamil. I knew all along they'll both end up together. I can feel it HAHHAHA.  

Aku ni tadi cakap melayu tetibe terpesong jauh ke benua Eropah apehal? Ugh, whatever. Ok dah baibai! 


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