Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Day I Finally Drive A Car

*Long overdue post. Just realized I had this in the draft since May 2017!

Assalamualaikum dear earthlings. Its been a looooong time since I last wrote here. 5 months has passed since my graduation. Time sure is fleeting vanish unknowingly with every breath we took in. But in all seriousness, I've had quite a journey up till now. Some exciting stuffs happened and happening in my life; with my brothers getting married, my expanding social circle and also my newfound capability. Guys, I can actually drive. And fast AHHAHA.

Well, the realization started just couple of days getting back from the Eurotrip. Been sitting next to the driver for 12 consecutive days, navigating our way with the help of Waze, watching all kinds of vehicles on the road, and seeing everyone drive so easy and calmly (my brother and my friends) I finally gathered the courage to actually be behind the wheels. What can be so hard about it? So when my mother asked me to go visit Toklah at Pulai Indah, I literally just say okay, not contemplating any further (like I usually do). I told myself, lets just do it, like Nike always say. :)

Besides, I feel like by being able to drive around, I'll be making life so much easier for everyone. Sounds so angelic of me, but trust me, this is just a mantra to calm my nerves. I have to admit, I had that butterflies things everytime I have to go somewhere. But soon they fly away when I think of the faces I'll be helping. Luls.

And I'm proud to say, there's no headache anymore after driving alhamdulillah. Cause you see, everytime I went through something stressful, I'll get stress headache be it the exams, those scary examiners, exhausting days and yeah what else, driving. But now it seems driving doesnt get me stressed anymore! Thank God, I owe You sooooo much! Promise I'll be a good kid from now on HAHA.

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