Tuesday, September 11, 2012

If I Were To Sleep on a Pile of Moneyhh...

If I have plenty of money, I want to shop a lot, have holiday in lavish resort while at the same time I want to pay visits to orphanages around the area and contribute some amounts there.

After giving a second deep thought,

Maybe I would make a program where special orphan students who excel in their study will be adopted and nurtured until they become successful. It's like been given the scholarship since primary education. As I strongly believe children should be nurtured, taken care and given holistic developmental approach since their early days so as to produce great and brilliant menpower for the betterment of next generation and bright future as well.

Nevertheless, those who don't manage to grab the scholarship opportunity would not be left behind. We will give them extra classes and hire professional personnels to be in charge of these students' holistic development as well. Everyone should be given the same chance to education, and the rest lies in the students' hands themselves, it's either they want to do good or let the current decides where to flow them to in the sea of rat-race world we're living in now.

Because a powerful country is defined by the powers that come from within herself! A religious scholar once exclaimed that he would rather been given a group of youth than a room of gems and golds because he is well, a somebody who can sees better and sharper on further things that's going to happen in future more than the ordinary people do on that time. He believes of the potential of the youths! The synergy they could exert if each and everyone of them are been taught and carefully explained with the vision and with responsibilities they carry on their shoulder.


Besides, giving education to other people is considered a great chance by Allah to seek continuous and accumulating rewards in the hereafter. It's really a blessing in disguise. Why? You have the money, so use it in a path that can assure a continuous supply until the day we finally come to The One who is forever.

So that's it! Afterall, plenty of money does can 'buy' you heaven and paradise if you use it Lillahi Taala. On exactly the path that is sure be blessed by Allah Taala. :)

Therefore, I choose to be one in the bright future, insyaAllah. ;) And when the time has finally arrived, I pray that I still remember this thought I penned in my blog, and I hope I still am standing on the same ground with the same feeling of humbleness that sure to be possessed by each human being even the most snobbish ones, deep down inside cause we ARE always only a shameful servant of Him, The One who is Forever. Say istighfar daily cause we sin everyday even when we feel like we behaved very well that day. We never know, you know and istighfar is the key to keep remembering our origin and to stay humble. :)

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