Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Final exam 1st year


Hye. First practical exam has just passed. And I am glad. The questions are as always confusing yet 'answerable'. For the experiment, I was assigned to do the blood group test. Eh, tak syok ah cakap omputih. Takde feeling. Doktor aku tanya macam-macam part blood group tu. What antigen do you have? what antibody do you have? what is the precaution test before doing blood transfusion other than blood group test? Bukan main. Nasib baik Ziyani tolong. Haha, thanks Ziyani.

Now, semua orang adalah busy mentengok buku dan takda masa nak mentengok aku. Eh. Lalu aku kebosanan dan membawa diri ke sini. Ceh saje cover-cover line nak blogging. Aku tak sabao la nak habis exam ni. Budak-budak Cairo nu ha, dah keluar result dah pun. Dengar citer ramai dapat mumtaz. Bukan main lagi....Tahniah untuk semua yang mumtaz.....

Yang budak-budak Alex ni tak  main mumtaz-mumtaz. Kite ikut bahasa omputih. Excellent. Very good, good and fair.and weak and very weak. Yang dua terakhir tu mintak dijauhkanlah...Nauzubillahiminzalik.

House story:

My abang sudah start die punye attachment la kat itu Hospital Pulai. Aku pun tak tahu kat mana. Boleh tak? Bila orang tanya duduk mana, bangga je aku jawab saya duduk JB! Tapiiiiii, Hospital Pulai pon tak tahu. Ok fine. Die belum nak berapa legend lagi macam Hospital Sultanah Aminah (HSA). So, aku dimaafkan. Haha
Aku dah penat belajar. Cehhhh. Ye la tu. So, this is my escapism. Aku tak banyak belajar lagi pun sebenarnya. Haishhh. Aku belum baca lagi itu extrinsic and intrinsic mech of blood clotting. Itu haem biosynthesis. Dan ermmm banyak lagi. Dan bile dikenang-kenang semula semua tu, bertambah kusut kepala aku yang tak berapa kusut ni. So, aku datang membawa diri ke sini. Like I said before, escapism.

Teheeee. It feels so good to ramble and rant on and on here. Takda orang kisah, right. When I flashed back, I always give this kind of ranting entry when I am in exam mood. Why eh? Yeah I think because I need someone to talk to. Eh no. I got plenty of them. It's just I need some thing to rant to. Like this blog. This blog to me is a kind of  therapy. Yeah, I cannot go out having shopping spree everyday. And I cannot eat out everyday because well it's not healthy. So what can I do to leave this building stress? Yeah, I blog it out. Simple and yet satisfying, right?

Ok, now. Move back to me. I am in this kind of state where I am not so healthy. Not physically but orally. I have this problem with a teeth. Yeah a tiny lil yet so very important stuff. How gedix it is. So, I am in the middle of treatment and I take painkiller everynight despite the fact it harms the hell out of my stomach. But Alhamdulillah, to my utmost relief, there's no side effect appearing. At least till this time. And aku harap dia berterusan. Aku ni dalam krisis ditelan mati emak, diluah mati bapak tau. Punyalah dilemma perasaan aku ni. Kalau tak makan, aku sakit. Kalau aku makan, aku dapat peptic ulcer. Both will end me up in the lembah kesakitan. So, which one to choose? You tell me.

Aku choose untuk berdoa kepada Allah supaya direducekan sakit ini. Supaya aku boleh deal dengan sakit ini despite keadaan yang seperti Genting Highland ni (exam period). Dan aku berdoa supaya treatment aku berjalan dengan lancar selancar Lamborghini whatever Nurul, just stop it!

So, I think it's enough till now. Kalau ada lebih aku bagi extra entry harini. Tapi aku rasa dah cukup lah kot. Really, aku ada banyak benda nak tulis kat sini. Pasal program KAMI haritu. Pasal aku jadi moderator forum hari tu (kerja gila). Dan pasal-pasal yang lain. Eh tetiba rasa nak cari pasal la!! OMG, who is my victim?!

Sekian, Wassalam.

dan good luck kepada diri sendiri. =)

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